We are having a fabulous learning day!!!!
My four year old is finally showing interest in "learning" to read,; I usually read to my youngins' before bed (if I'm not self indulged), so last night she says " Mommy will you read to me (.....I was taking to long), because "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO read by myself" , I laughed and seized the moment. I rushed to her aide and read to her, but it was very short a passage from a children's Bible, regarding Genisis2- 20(I think). in one short paragraph it summed up how God created eve! I love how straight to the point the short read is. When Tie'Leis (my lefty/Baby) asked me t read to her and stated her reason why. It motivated me to engage hr more since now she notices the importance and relevance in being "independent" .......... It worked, This morning she watched her phonics video and participated like never before ( mostly because her instructor is her 9 year old BIG sister and she is very serious about making a 1 year old and 4 year old participate and get it) . I am so excited, on so many different levels. They are not realizing how much they're gaining from all of these "mundane" lessons through life happening. Tie'Leis read a couple of simple sentences from remembrance but, You can't tell her or TieQue that the child is not a reader. as Tie'Que putts it"she just needs a little more work"! It turned me way up!. Tie'Leis is remembering some phonics, Tie'Elle is learning to pee and poop in the pot (which she independently went and used today), as well as becoming more of a self starter, she is also being taught how to use her indoor/class room voice while sitting still!!!! (all at the hands of their big sis keeping them engaged while they "play school", and enabelng Mommy to orechestarte their upcoming events & deal with the newest edition of our crew Tie'Rell Monk (born pre-maturely on time). .....HUMHMM! You can't sell me no mumbo jumbo about straight across the board education. I am witnessing genuineness at its best education occurring on an accident or unknowing basis. But I will enlighten the crew, they need to know how valuable what they are doing is, and how impressed Mommy/ Instructor of the worlds greatest learners, is!
My four year old is finally showing interest in "learning" to read,; I usually read to my youngins' before bed (if I'm not self indulged), so last night she says " Mommy will you read to me (.....I was taking to long), because "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO read by myself" , I laughed and seized the moment. I rushed to her aide and read to her, but it was very short a passage from a children's Bible, regarding Genisis2- 20(I think). in one short paragraph it summed up how God created eve! I love how straight to the point the short read is. When Tie'Leis (my lefty/Baby) asked me t read to her and stated her reason why. It motivated me to engage hr more since now she notices the importance and relevance in being "independent" .......... It worked, This morning she watched her phonics video and participated like never before ( mostly because her instructor is her 9 year old BIG sister and she is very serious about making a 1 year old and 4 year old participate and get it) . I am so excited, on so many different levels. They are not realizing how much they're gaining from all of these "mundane" lessons through life happening. Tie'Leis read a couple of simple sentences from remembrance but, You can't tell her or TieQue that the child is not a reader. as Tie'Que putts it"she just needs a little more work"! It turned me way up!. Tie'Leis is remembering some phonics, Tie'Elle is learning to pee and poop in the pot (which she independently went and used today), as well as becoming more of a self starter, she is also being taught how to use her indoor/class room voice while sitting still!!!! (all at the hands of their big sis keeping them engaged while they "play school", and enabelng Mommy to orechestarte their upcoming events & deal with the newest edition of our crew Tie'Rell Monk (born pre-maturely on time). .....HUMHMM! You can't sell me no mumbo jumbo about straight across the board education. I am witnessing genuineness at its best education occurring on an accident or unknowing basis. But I will enlighten the crew, they need to know how valuable what they are doing is, and how impressed Mommy/ Instructor of the worlds greatest learners, is!
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